Ventura Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Information

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the favored bankruptcy method for individual debtors. It features a process called “liquidation,” which basically means selling one’s property and assets in order to obtain money to pay back creditors. Many people are wary of this type of bankruptcy because they believe that they will lose everything they own. This is rarely the case, as certain property can be “exempted” from the liquidation process. Taking advantage of these exemptions may actually allow a person to complete Chapter 7 without having to part with any property at all. If you think that Chapter 7 may the solution to your financial problems, it is recommended that you consult with a Ventura bankruptcy attorney who can determine if Chapter 7 is applicable to your specific situation.

Bryan Diaz Law, P.C. has spent over a decade providing help to individuals experiencing financial issues. We have successfully helped a number of people file for bankruptcy, giving them the fresh start they needed to rebuild their financial health. Contact our offices today if you would like more information about Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you decide to proceed, we will provide you with personalized guidance throughout the process, appearing with you at all hearings and answering your phone calls at any time of day.

Ineligible Debts

Through Chapter 7, you can do away with many of your debts, including those connected to credit cards, medical treatment, or unsecured loans. However, it is important to know that there are debts which cannot be discharged in Chapter 7, and they include:

  • Debts you did not include in the bankruptcy petition
  • Certain debts related to taxes
  • Government-sponsored or privately-sponsored student loans
  • Any money or property obtained through fraud
  • Debts related to domestic support, such as child support or alimony

If you need help in addressing your mounting debt, contact a Ventura Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer who will work hard to get you on the road to financial freedom.